TOTAL SECURITY TCL LIMITED was originally formed in 1987 and moved to its present site on Electra Way, Crewe
Business Park in 1991. A broad customer base has been built since then of established clients in Local Government, Education
Authorities, and local Business Communities. The Company is justifiably proud of the fact that much of its business results
from recommendations, referrals, and repeat work from satisfied customers.
TOTAL SECURITY TCL LIMITED (Training Division) was
formed in 1991 and operates from the same premises at Crewe Business Park.
are approved by the SIA (Security Industry Authority), Skills for Security and are a registered NOCN centre.
Our trainers are fully qualified to deliver the required training to the security industry
as well as Communication & Conflict Management training to local companies.
TITTENSOR COMMUNITY AUCTION We are pleased to support this weekly general auction at Tittensor
Village Hall, Winghouse Lane, Tittensor. Sale starts at 10.00am.
House Fishery - PRIVATE OWNERSHIP - NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Raising Funds for our sponsored charities.
Our aim is always to achieve total customer satisfaction
with the services we offer, so that customers continue to choose our Company as their preferred supplier and also confidently
recommend our company to other potential clients.
Terry C. Love. MBIPDT. PPL(H). Managing Director
Julie I. Hawkeswood.
Operations Director
Tamara J. Ecclestone. Director