Door Supervisors - Skills for Security/NOCN/SIA approved course.
This course can be arranged to suit individual companies. A minimum of 5 (five) candidates are required to be registered.
Who should attend?
Anyone wanting to work in the Security
Industry as a Door Supervisor.
Basic Course Details.
Course will be
run over 3 or 4 intensive tutoring days (30 plh) at our Training Centre located on Crewe Business Park.
learning day from 0800 to 1800 each day.
This is the route to getting yourself licensed to work within the
security industry.
Limited spaces available.
Small groups makes for an ideal learning environment.
unit 1 (Roles & Responsibilities) held over the first 2/3 days followed by 1 hour exam followed by 1 day
SIA unit 2 (Communication & Conflict Management) with final 1 hour exam.
Fully trained, friendly, experienced
Course costs as of 6th April 2018 - Units 1 & 2 £ 245.00*
which includes - Registration, All Student Notes, Examination Fees, Certificates. Light refreshments, tea, coffee
etc., provided.
*All course costs subject to normal VAT conditions.
Payment must be
received and candidates registered at least 5 (five) working days before the commencement of the course.